
Relationship The God Way!!!

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance   How to Build a Godly Relationship  Before Marriage  by Jordan Doris   Most people want to truly understand love. In the Bible, God paints a very clear picture that helps us to understand if we really are in love. One of the greatest love stories that we find in the Bible is the Song of Solomon. It is also known as the Song of Songs. This is a story that helps us to better understand how to build Godly relationships. This article is full of great tips that will help you to build a Godly relationship before marriage.   1.) Physical Restraint- While we are attracted to our partners, God asks us

10 Things Women Who Value Their Self-Worth Do Differently In Relationships

 Poor self-worth is what traps us in bad relationships, what sabotages new relationships, and what causes us to feel so devastated and broken when a relationship ends. Having high self-esteem doesn’t guarantee a happy relationship, but it does equip you with the skills to identify what you want and what you deserve to have, and the strength to walk away if something falls short. Here are ten things peop ... le with high self-esteem do differently in their relationships: 1. Confident women don’t analyze if he likes them – they assume he does.  People with high self-esteem believe they are worthy of love and don’t question how someone feels about them. They know that they are good, competent, and lovable and trust that the right person for them will see this. They don’t attach their worth to what a guy thinks and, as a result, don’t feel stressed and anxious when a guy’s feelings are unclear. Instead, they assume he likes them and are able to be present in the relationship and e

HOW to make sure your relationship GLORIFIES God

Last blog post said a little,lets go a little deep... 1. STOP having sex. If you're having sex & ya'll aint married. JUST STOP IT! HAVING sex is SEPARATING you from GOD! God may be trying to speak to you concerning that guy.. but you can't hear because your vision is all clouded because you're in "love "-- you aint in love, you're in lust . LOVE waits until marriage. So first step-- go to God-- MAKE sure that God is ok with you even staying with that person. Real talk. HE is JEALOUS for you. If God is cool with you staying with him (and BOTH sides have repented and made a decision to honor God) then start this journey on the same PAGE (amos 3:3). Meaning you SET up some boundaries . STOP cuddling, rubbing, putting yourself in 1:1 situations and if it's late, you shouldn't be at each others house late at night PERIOD. And let's clear this up-- if you cannot STOP having sex-- lasciviousness has crept into your relationship. NOW

Knowing What it takes!

Hi guys,haven't been on much lately, a lot has been happening. anyways lets kick start from wherever we left off. Soo, you finally met your "Adam"-- your boo! And you looooove him so much! So much.. sometimes, you want to EXPRESS it physically by kissing, rubbing, cuddling.. or maybe even sex. YOU want to feel close to him ...BUT deep down, YOU want your relationship to glorify God . YOU don't want your relationships to mirror your past relationships but you can't quite figure out how to "court" or date .. God's way. You KEEP taking your past ways of thinking from the world.. into your courting relationship and you find yourself having to choose between GOD and your man, often . So you both have sex, repent and give that area to God.. OVER & OVER again . You're TIRED. You WANT to live for GOD for real but you aren't convinced that you should break up with your boo. YOU want to make things work but you just cann

Ways To Nurture relationships.

 Excerpts from by Aidy Thomas. Enjoy! Being exposed to the approach of Kevin Eikenberry about building or nurturing relationships has made a lot of issues become clearer. Although most people think he plays around with words by trying to differentiate building from nurturing; I’ve realised that this could possibly be the cause of some problems wrecking lovers for ages. This might sound like a little diversion but bear with me as it might beam some useful light on why you are struggling in that relationship. We have all used ‘building relationships’ to portray the effort/commitment you put in to making it work —this is fine. On the o the r hand, the re are relationships which started by someone going out of the way to get the o the r involved. In most cases, men feel fulfilled to be in this ‘chasing position’ because nature tells the m hunting is the meaning of existence but when women swap and

Abstinense Makes Sense!

  Observe and listen,perceive with your eyes close. Look around you,a sexually permissive world is where we are! Sex stares at us in the face everywhere we go. We practically breathe,sleep,smell sex around us. Lets face it! Morality is a factor for many people when deciding whether or not to have premarital sex. Is it a factor for you? After all,the messages we receive from most TV shows and movies this days tells us 'everyone is doing it' in light of today's attitude, your peers may think you're weird to even question it.  Premarital sex- Recreation or Re-creation? In discussing premarital sex,we often focus on the recreation part of it. Yes sex is pleasurable. God,our creator designed it that way. In Gods plan,sex was designed for married couples. I wish young people would open their eyes and not trade enduring pleasures with cheap thrills. Sexual relations is only enjoyable and fulfilling wen its done in the right context! If its premarital then it